It is FREE to create an account and explore FreshBuzzer - only pay when you are ready to use FreshBuzzer in your building.
Written by Axel Gustav (Founder)
Updated over a week ago
Welcome and happy to have you!
The quickest and easiest way to start is filling out the new account form at - here you can also enter your referral code if you have one.
New Account Form
View FileAfter signing up you should receive an email to verify your account. It might take a minute to arrive and hopefully doesn't end up in your spam. Once you got it, please click the link inside to verify your email address.
In the meantime you can start exploring FreshBuzzer and set up a call-forwarding number or enable one of the unattended access options such as Party Mode or Auto Buzz.
<>Picture here of the account with some annotations<>
Now it is time to see FreshBuzzer in action by using the Test Call feature linked at the top of the page. Clicking the phone button simulates someone ringing your buzzer and will place a call directly from your browser to your FreshBuzzer account.
<>Picture of the test call page<>
While it rings, FreshBuzzer receives your call and looks up your personal configuration. Do you have Auto Buzz or Party Mode enabled? Then you will get buzzed in. Do you have Secure Access Codes set up? Then you will get prompted to enter the. Do you have call-forwarding set up? FreshBuzzer will actually call your phone/s!
Keep playing around and find your ideal set up. If you have questions, get in touch. If you're itching to get FreshBuzzer into your building, read more about getting your phone numberĀ here.